Dear Friends and Members of SPC 🙂
I have agreed with Sandy Astronomical Society that we could join them during their public viewing event on Thursday 19th March.
However, this is all weather dependant – I will be advised by SAS on the day whether this will go ahead or not.
We are setting up our Workshop XXIII at 6pm at Blunham Playing Fields (MK44 3ND) – please let me know if you are planning to come along. Regardless of the weather, I will be there at 6pm, to check the field for potential future events. If it’s raining, we can go to the pub and review previous photos from previous tasks. Please upload your photos by 9pm on Wednesday 18th March, or bring them on memory stick.
You will definitely need to bring tripod; any lens would be ok, but preferably wide angle; and remote control if you have it. If not, we can use the delay option on your camera. Plus warm clothes and beer money!
You can see more information about SAS on their website:
I have got more news… and I cannot wait to see you again!
All the best to you!